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Entries in pink & Grey Nursery Design (1)


{Pink & Grey} Nursery Inspiration

Happy Monday and thanks so much for stopping by. While looking for baby nursery inspirations this weekend, we stumbled upon this {darling} Pink & Grey Design on Project Nursery. Mom's style is classic contemporary so she was looking to create a room that was feminine, but not neccessarily all pink. She teamed up with designer Paula Velez from Draw Me a Sheep, who guided her towards a grey palette with pink accents. The damask crib bedding from Carousel Designs was the starting point for the nursery and as you can see, everything else fell nicely into place. One of mom's favorite things about this room design was the incorporation of her grandmothers antique mirror into the space, a very special keepsake for her daughter to cherish.

You may find all of the design details for this lovely space by clicking {here}.