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Stepping Outside of My Comfort Zone and a Sneak Peek at the New Logo and Site Name

As I get ready to launch the all new Best Baby Sites with a brand new name and focus - I have totally stepped outside of my comfort zone. I am getting ready to create something I have NEVER done before . . . videos. OMG - I can't even believe I just wrote that! But, I plan to start creating and sharing DIY crafts that you can create with your children and have lots of fun doing so. Many of these crafts will be able to created using items you already have in your house. I have my very first video already created and you will not only hear what the first craft will be, but you will get a sneak peek at the brand new site name and logo. I nervously hit publish on this post, but the video is now live so there's no turning back. My new venture has started, so please join me :)

And, now here's a sneak peek at the new logo {and name}. The new site is expected to launch within one to two weeks. I cannot wait for all the fun that I have planned . . .

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