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Lil Edibles: Not Too "Sweet" Valentine's Treats

Today's Lil Edibles feature is about sharing ideas on how you can make some special Valentine's Day treats for your little one that won't send them into a "sugar-shock". I'm always looking for ways to make meals more appealing to my kids, while offering them healthier options and have found that it's all in the presentation! {at least in my house...if it looks good, it tastes good}

The first feature comes from Parents and showcases two really great (and healthy) breakfast or snack options. I just love these Healthy Heart Sweet Tarts {pictured left} that are simply mini pie shells filled with low-fat yogurt and fresh fruit! And how about these super-cute Heart Kabobs {pictured right}, made using your favorite melons and a heart-shaped cookie cutter! They even have a recipe for a citrus yogurt dip to go with them!

Now let's move onto lunch - I simply adore everything about this plentiful plate featured by Jill on her site, Meet the Dubiens. The soup is served in a heart-shaped bowl and even contains little heart cheese cubes. The apples were made by using a heart cookie cutter on a red and green apple and switching the cutouts to give them a little flair! For dessert, a cherry jello heart made using a silicone muffin liner.

For dinner, Brittany from One Charming Party has a great idea to add little pepperoni hearts to your favorite homemade pizza recipe! Just take a small heart-shaped cookie cutter to the pepperoni before you bake it and tell your kids it's made with {LOVE}!

For more inspiring ideas, please visit our Pinterest board Valentine's Day for Kids...

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