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A Modern Twin Nursery Design

Today's Modern Twin Nursery Design comes to us from Niki of Papery & Cakery. Niki designed this space for her twin newborns {girl + boy} and was inspired by the contemporary cribs and graphic boldness of the patterns in the rug and bedding. I really love the color scheme and clean, simple design - the oversized scrabble pieces used to display the baby names is a really clever way to utilize the wall space. My favorite aspect by far, is the larger-than life wall portraits taken by photographer Shelley Arminio that add such a special, personal touch and totally melt my heart. Niki's advice for designing your space "Pick pieces that you love and find a way to incorporate them".

Project Details: 

Design and Graphics: Papery & Cakery 
Oeuf Cribs and Sheep Mobile: Genius Jones  
Chevron Rug: West Elm 
Glider: Pottery Barn Kids 
XOXO Pillow: Pottery Barn Teen 
Dresser: Bellini with knobs from anthropologie 
Whale Tissue Holder: Sparkly Pony 
Scrabble Letters: 15 Tangerines 
Pear Mirror: Jonathan Adler 

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Reader Comments (1)

Love this nursery. Especially the chevron rug and knobs on the dresser. The photos of the babies over the cribs is such a great idea.

January 18, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrenda

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