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"Where the Wild Things Are" Inspired Nursery 

We are delighted to end the week with a stunning nursery design from Play Chic Interiors. Owner/Designer Lisa Hershman graciously shares the details of this amazing project that will surely inspire you...

This is a nursery we put together for a design show house benefitting a charity that provides services to adults with autism. The room was inspired by Maurice Sendak's children's book, Where the Wild Things Are. And we let our imaginations run wild!

The project started with the wallpaper. The abundance of leaves with hidden metallic keys just seemed magical. The more we looked at it, the more it reminded us of Maurice Sendak's illustrations of the jungle in Where the Wild Things Are. From there, we just ran with it and focused on creating a fantasy space that would please kids and grown ups alike.

At first glance, this project is a departure from our usual decorating style - which is typically clean and modern. However, once you really stop to take a look at the space, it's totally Play Chic. From the mix of materials (metal, wood, and acrylic) and the playful combination of pattern and texture, to the organization and sparks of whimsy - this room is mixes many styles to create a space that is warm, inviting, and eminently fun!

Both wallpapers are from Cole and Son. The pattern on the wall is Chiavi Segrete and the ceiling paper is Antique Mirror. The crib is the Martine Canopy Crib by RH Baby & Child. The sconces are the Dauphine Wood Sconce, also from RH Baby & Child. The chest is the Treviso Accent Chest by Brownstone Furniture. The crib bedding is by Doodlefish Kids. The porch swing is by Ballard Designs and is covered in an indoor-outdoor fabric (so don't mind the light color!). The striped rug is also indoor-outdoor, by Dash and Albert. The sisal rug is from Pottery Barn. The acrylic cubes are custom. The animal wall hook and the alligator are from Fab. I made the mobile. The preserved vertical garden is from Viva Terra. The tote bags are from LL Bean.

The item in this room that means the most to me is the stuffed giraffe. It was on loan to me from my daughters. It has been in their bedroom since they were infants. Her name is Zsa Zsa (as in Gabor), but this is Zsa Zsa Giraffe. We’re always dressing her up in crazy outfits. Prior for departing for the show house, she was decked out in a fedora and pearls. The girls love her show house look and have requested that they keep the rollerskates!

The alligator is also from our home. When I got him, I didn’t realize how realistic he would look! We scared a few people. When he’s at home, he generally lives in the center of the playroom floor and likes to wear tutus and tiaras. 

Advice: Don't be afraid to let your imagination get the best of you. If you have a wild idea, try to figure out a way to make it work; don't nix it off the bat. Also, it's great to have an inspiration, but to prevent the room from becoming too theme-y, think about the feeling that your base idea evokes in you and try to recreate that feeling through the colors, textures, lighting, furniture, and accessories in the space.

About Play Chic Interiors:

Play Chic embraces a fresh, clean aesthetic with a sense of humor. Our interiors are uncomplicated and fun, with a touch of sophistication. Add in a few small surprises, some cheerful inconsistencies, a pinch of kook - and VOILA! That's Play Chic.


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