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Capturing the moment before it begins | Sue Barr Photography

Photographer Sue Barr converses on pregnancy photography

I meet many of my clients when they are in their third trimester of their first pregnancy. They are active, successful and independent woman yet their lives are in limbo knowing in a month or two they will become so much more. Becoming a parent has been their dream for so long, but the day-to-day reality of their body carrying around an extra 40 pounds is actually making them feel a bit disheartened and guilty about hating their bodies’ recent physical alterations.  My job is bringing out the beauty of each mommy to be and to photograph her as the woman they are.

They have already bought the nursery furniture, picked out the perfect name and are anxious for the next chapter of their life to begin. They have read every blog and book on pregnancy, birthing and parenting. In fact, most of the time they find me because they are perusing the Internet for more pregnancy information and they come across my images. I try to get to know who they are when they call, as each woman has her own ideas on their shoot. No two pregnancy shoots are same. Some want that Demi Moore Vanity Fair portrait that started the craze; others prefer a more relaxed lifestyle shoot. 

They schedule their pregnancy shoot with excitement, as it is something they can do immediately as well as a wonderful way for them to celebrate their upcoming role of motherhood. They know a professional photographer will make sure the images convey them as the beautiful, secure woman they are and a way to forever show their child the glowing reality of how beautiful they felt just having them in their belly, so close to their heart. 

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