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Entries in custom nursery letters (1)


New Adorable Letters from New Arrivals, Inc

Are you looking for the PERFECT way to add that special touch to your little one's nursery? New Arrivals, Inc has recently added these {adorable} Custom Fabric Backed Letters to their collection. The best part is that they are completely customized to fit your needs, allowing you to choose from over 200 incredible fabric backgrounds or even send in your own fabric design. Aren't they just the sweetest?

These customized letters are the perfect addition to your child's room or nursery and also make a great gift option! The dimensions are 9 1/2" x 10" and because these orders are custom made for you, New Arrivals, Inc. asks that you please allow an extra 1-2 weeks for delivery. You can get FREE SHIPPING on retail orders over $100 by using the promo code: FREESHIP at checkout {cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts}

We invite you to stop by their website today and start creating your little one's custom decor!