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Entries in goodnight moon (2)


Then Comes Baby: Classic Children's Books

It's Friday! We've made it through another week and I just wanted to thank all of my new followers for visiting our site! I have some great new inspirations and ideas to share with you in the coming weeks, so be sure to visit our baby blog to see what we are featuring next!

I wanted to end the week by sharing three of my favorite classic children's books with you. They can all be found at Twilite Moon - where you can shop for designer baby clothes, luxury baby gear, nursery furniture and more!

On Monday's blog, I featured a baby shower inspired by the book Goodnight Moon, the legendary bedtime story that has lulled generations to sleep. This is a kid {and mommy} favorite on nights when the little ones are having a hard time going to bed...

Being a mom to my own pair of  "curious little monkeys", it's easy to see how Curious George has made this list of three favorites! It also happens to be the fan-favorite of my kids, probably because they can relate so well!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is an amazing story that I just cannot get enough of. Maybe it has something to do with the holes in the pages that are always being poked at with my kids fingers. I know that those little fingers will not always fit into the holes, so for now I will cherish the moments that they do.

If you don't already have these books in your collection to share with your little one, please visit Twilite Moon to get your copies today...


Waiting for Baby: "Goodnight Moon" Baby Shower

Today's amazing baby shower feature is from Hostess {with the Mostest} and was inspired by the classic children's book "Goodnight Moon". When I was pregnant for both of my boys I read this book often, so it's really neat for me to see it brought to life as a baby shower theme.

The first detail that caught my eye was the beautifully crafted tablescapes - what a great idea to make the tables into "beds" by using matching pillows and sheets! The addition of the stuffed animals and book truly make this table special, and the customized teacups are a perfect match. The labels used to embellish these teacups can be found {here}.

I really love the use of the satin ribbon and balls of yarn to the backs of the chairs to add some color and simple decoration.

These same balls of yarn {in various sizes and colors} were also used in the centerpieces, along with matching decorated votive holders. Even the silverware was slightly embellished with some colorful yarn. Im just so amazed on how everything "ties" together so nicely!

What do you think about the transformation of the hutch into a showcase of items related to the "Goodnight Moon" theme? I absolutely LOVE that this not only creates an amazing conversation piece for the shower guests, but also gives the mom-to-be some really great things to share with her new bundle of joy!

If you'd like to see the original "Goodnight Moon" inspired baby shower from Hostess {with the Mostess} in its entirety, including links to the printables and ideas on how to re-create many of these amazing details, please click {here}.