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Entries in hooded spa robes (1)


Baby Hooded Spa Robes and Towels

Aren't animal spa robes and/or towels just the cutest on babies? I remember when our first girl had a cookie monster hooded towel - it even had little feet that hung off of it. One time, she had it one and it was a slightly big for her so you couldn't see her feet and she went running down our hall with it on. It looked just like a blue monster was on the loose in our house. And, then several years later, she would still play with it, but it was so short on her. The monsters feet were up to her knees this time:) These hooded towels bring back a fun memory for me and they make wonderful gifts for baby showers and 1st birthdays.

Shop For These Baby Hooded Towels Here: 
My Little Night Owl Hooded Terry Spa Robe in pink, Hug-alot-amus Hooded Hippo RobeMy Little Monster Hooded Spa RobePretty in Pink Poodle Hooded Spa RobeLet the Fin Begin Pink Shark RobeMy Little Night Owl Hooded Terry Spa Robe in green

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