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Entries in invitation (1)


DIY : Fresh Fruit Drink Stirrers + a Watermelon Printable Invitation

I've been seeing drink stirrers everywhere lately - so I figured why not create edible drink stirrers that your party guests {both kids and adults} will love. I only had watermelon and blueberries on hand this weekend - but the ideas and colors for this are endless. {think cantelope, honeydew, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc}. Simply cut the melon fruit into slices and then use a cookie cutter in the shape{s} of your choice. You could even use a melon baller if you wish. Berries wouldn't need any cutting. Bamboo skewers or plastic stirrers are great options to hold your fruit. Amazon has many choices for drink stirrers {and in colors} to choose from.

DIY Fruit Drink Stirrers | as seen on

DIY Fruit Drink Stirrers - use any seasonal fruit you like and match your party colors | as seen on

And, since you will need to send an invitation to have your guests over to celebrate, how about this brand new one I've added to my etsy shop? It's a print-at-home invitation that is available as an instand download. You simply purchase, download and print away. There's 4 invitations to a single 8.5x11 page, so if you only need 24 invitations - you only need to print 6 pages. You can even import the file into a photo editing program if you choose to type in the party details. Purchase your Summer Celebration Invitation Here and get ready to have lots of fun in the summer sun. And, remember, you don't necessarily need a specific reason to party. Even having family and friends over for a casual get together can be made even more exciting by sending an invitation via snail-mail.

Printable Summer Party Invitation with Watermelon

PS: the envelope featured above does not come with the invitation template. Any A2 size envelope will work, but you can definitely find colored envelopes at Amazon.