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Entries in Snuggy Baby (1)


{Handmade} Baby Wrap Carriers by Snuggy Baby

For today's Handmade feature I am delighted to share with you these Snuggy Baby Wraps - designed to have everything that you could want in a baby wrap including comfort, support, and style. Snuggy baby wraps are made with 100% cotton knit fabric which is a much more supportive material than you find in your average wrap. Although this is a stronger fabric, it is still light weight and comfortable, providing enough stretch to hug your baby close and enough support to prevent them from sagging as they grow. It is also light weight and breatheable so that both you and your baby will stay cool. 

This wrap carrier is completely adjustable so one size fits all and it works between various care givers of all body types. Because you create a custom fit every time you tie it on, the wrap grows with your child, ensuring that they get a comfortable secure fit from the time that they come home until you are ready to stop carrying them (generally around 35 lbs.).

The front panel lets you avoid having the same old boring solid wrap that you see everywhere else. It allows you to choose a design that accessorizes your wardrobe instead of the plain solid color that completely hides what you are wearing. It is made of a woven cotton print that does not have a stretch to it, so the panel will hold its own shape and provide additional support for your babies back and newborn’s head and neck. 

If you would like more information about the benefits of wearing your baby and how to do it safely, please visit All of their baby carriers come with an instructional DVD that will show you how to wear your baby in several different positions. The videos are also available to view on the website.